Osteopathic Manual Practitioners (OMPs) look at their patients as a whole and not just a collection of symptoms, ensuring they look for the cause of a patient's problem and not just at the area of pain. They use a client-centred approach to assessment and treatment that is based on the understanding of both the structure and function of the body. Osteopathy is a manual therapy that is often used as complementary therapy to conventional medicine.
Osteopathy isn't just for backs! Osteopathic Manual Practitioners are trained in treating all areas of the body, from your ankles and up to your hips, your back, neck and everything in between!
Common Conditions We Treat:
Acute or chronic back pain
Generalized muscle and joint pain
Digestive problems
Muscle spasms
Postural problems
Headaches/ Migraines
Feeding difficulties in babies
Digestive issues in babies
Pre and post natal
Babies and Children
Pediatric osteopathy is a safe and effective manual therapy for infants and children of all ages and stages of development. Pediatric osteopathy involves a range of treatment styles from cranial osteopathy to gentle stretching and joint articulations, depending on the age of the infant or child and their problem.
Cranial osteopathy is a very safe and effective form of treatment, which involves light touch, allowing Osteopathic Manual Practitioners to work with the subtle tensions and strains within all structures of the body, for example; muscles, ligaments and bones.
Osteopathy for infants and children can be helpful for a range of conditions, including:
Feeding difficulties
Head shape concerns
Pre and post tongue tie release
General unsettledness
Milestone development
Sports related injuries
Postural concerns
Pediatric osteopathy can be utilised on its own or alongside other therapies such as physiotherapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy and speech therapy.
Your body undergoes many changes during pregnancy. Ligaments relax and there are postural adaptations to accommodate your growing baby. Osteopathy can help keep you comfortable during your pregnancy by relieving the stresses and strains you may experience throughout your pregnancy or delivery, using a range of techniques such as stretching, joint articulations and cranial osteopathy.